Sculici:¨See you next year to a top level competition˝

Coach of the AJF Arad team, but also a regional reference of the FRF from our county, Cristian Sculici believes that the level of the competition has increased compared to the one of last year.

„I think it was a successful tournament, maybe a little higher in value. compared to last year. Organizing I had a great time, also having the experience of last year, and football were noticed by some future players, who will be guided further in order to grow and get to play even further at the national teams. However, it is up to them how they will work. It was a unique experience for the children, whenever you have the opportunity to sing your national anthem, it will be an unforgettable memory and a boost in their career. With the Serbs we understood each other very well, they were pleased with everything and promised that they would return our invitation as soon as they would organize a tournament.

With the Hungarians we meet very often, Akademia Grosics is very strong in the eastern part of Hungary, they have two centers in Szeged and Bekescsaba and their teams play very often training matches with the Arad teams from the 4th League and up to 2nd League, the flagship team UTA. Overall, as we received the appreciation of the guests of the Federation, it was a success and it is hoped that this year we will move to another level, that of some national teams.

All those involved, AJF Arad, FRF, the County Council and the Local Council have announced that they continue to support this endeavor, it is only to see the finished „Francisc Neuman” Stadium, which will certainly create an emulation among the spectators, who have been missing in these two days of competition ”, said Sculici, responsible for the Arad Cup and the International Regional Tournament.

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